Veteran MP shows he packs a punch on World Parkinson’s Day


As published by PigWorld and the Goole Times


Local MP and former Government Minister Sir David Davis paid a visit to Goole Amateur Boxing Club to mark World Parkinson’s Day in April.

During his visit, Sir David sparred with pig industry legend Richard Longthorp, who is a member of a Parkinson’s boxing group at the club.

Richard said: “GABC hosts weekly boxing sessions for those with this wretched condition and all will testify to the positive and beneficial impact boxing has.

“Having wondered whether David would take up the offer of getting in the ring, I needn’t have worried. Soon as he was through the door it was jacket off, tie off, gloves on and bang – 1-2, straight into the punchbag.

“And, yes, he throws a pretty mean punch. Maybe political debate would be better conducted in the ring?”

Richard has raised £22,000, including Gift Aid, so far for his January Parkinson’s Punchers challenge of performing 1,000 press up per day.

Goole Times

Goole celebrated the Official World Parkinson’s Day last week.  

Each year on April 11 Parkinson’s UK runs the Make it Blue campaign to help raise awareness of the disease.   

From lighting up buildings to changing your hair colour, hosting blue bake sales or wearing blue for a day, there are many ways to help bring attention to the disease.  

In Goole to coincide with World Parkinson’s Day, Goole and the surrounding areas Parkinson group moved their April meeting to the third Thursday of the month, Thursday April 11 

The Rt Hon Sir David Davis MP was invited to speak with the members of the group to discuss and hear their views on how they would like him to support the cause. 

Speaking about the event Mr Davis said: “Parkinson’s is a terribly debilitating disease that has an impact not just on the patient but also on all their family and friends. 

“To mark World Parkinson’s Day, I met with over 40 Parkinson’s sufferers who told me about the difficulties people living with Parkinson’s face. 

“No two people’s experiences are the same. Therefore, it was illuminating to hear just how people in out area are supported in coping with this disease and how they learn to adapt to the challenge of living with Parkinson’s 

“It was also salutary to hear about some of the weaknesses in public support and its delivery to Parkinson’s sufferers.” 

The group also joined together for a meal, dressed in their best blue, before heading to Goole Boxing Club for a knock out session with Richard Longthorp and the PD Punchers boxing club. 

Then it was back to the Vikings, which holds the groups monthly meeting, for ballroom dancing or a general knowledge quiz hosted by Tony Saxton. 

Dancers practiced the Social Waltz and the Foxtrot.  

Sophie Brook, Dance teacher, said “All did brilliantly! 

“There were lots of smiles and laughing” 

The dance classes will be held every first Thursday of each month following the Parkinson’s support meeting. 

The group then met up later in the precinct where the clocktower was lit up blue to mark the day. 

The awareness day hopes to bring attention to the disease, and how to spot the early signs, which will hopefully lead people to an earlier diagnosis and overall better quality of life. 

Continuing to support Parkinson’s UK means you hep to fund the right research into the most promising treatments. 

By doing this we get closer to a cure everyday.  

Until then, those living with Parkinson’s are encouraged to lean on the support of your local community.