David Davis MP writes for the Times on the need to proscribe the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps
As published in the Times Iranian-sponsored terrorism has long been a menace. There are growing signs it has reached Europe and the UK. It must be dealt with swiftly. On November 9, the former vice-president of the European parliament, Alejo Vidal-Quadras, was shot in Madrid. In hospital, he claimed Iran had ordered his assassination, noting […]
MPs’ Iran terror call
As published in the Sun NEARLY 70 politicians want Iran’s Revolutionary Guard to be declared a terrorist organisation. Ex-Tory party leader Iain Duncan Smith and Labour’s John Spellar are among 67 MPs and Lords who have signed a letter to Rishi Sunak. They want the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps to be proscribed for national security. The letter read: […]
Plea to get tough over Iran terror
As published in the Sunday Express RISHI Sunak has been told urgent action is needed to protect Britain from the Iranian terror threat, writes David Williamson. Leading figures are urging the PM to designate the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps as a terrorist group. Iran backs anti-Israel terrorist organisations like Hamas and Hezbollah and the IRGC is considered […]