East Yorkshire MPs meet with broadband companies after people feel ‘swept aside’ by pole works
As published by the Hull Daily Mail Broadband companies in the East Riding need to work together to stop people feeling swept aside by pole installations, an MP has said following a summit on the issue. MPs condemned the behaviour of telecommunications companies and called for a solution to stop areas being blighted, according to […]
David Davis MP writes to Conservative MPs on the next General Election
As published by the Daily Mail I write to wish you a happy New Year, and I hope that you don’t mind if I offer some unsolicited views on the year ahead. I do so because I was struck during the Rwanda debate by the fatalistic way some of my colleagues view our prospects for […]
David Davis invokes the spirit of Margaret Thatcher as he sends a stirring message to the Tory faithful that the party CAN beat Labour as voters prepare to go to the polls this year
As published in the Daily Mail In a stirring New Year message sent to every Tory MP last night, former Brexit Secretary Sir David Davis spelt out how the Conservatives can still win the next general election and urged his colleagues not to give up hope. Despite a Labour poll lead of 20 per cent, […]