Humber flood defence meeting – Rt Hon David Davis “the councils have delivered an excellent report….we will now debate the issue in Parliament”
The region’s MPs met today with Local Authorities and the Environment Agency to advance the case for improving the Humber’s flood defences.
The meeting’s focus was a presentation from the region’s 4 Local Authorities which starkly contrasted the cost of the Environment Agency’s Humber Flood Risk Strategy with the economic risk posed by failing to act.
David Davis MP said:
“The Councils have delivered an excellent report highlighting how much vital economic infrastructure is at risk of damage and disruption as a result of flooding. The £32 billion of potential damage, disruption and loss of investment at risk dwarfs the £888 million needed to implement the Environment Agency’s strategy and build up our defences.
We will now debate the issue in Parliament and take our case to the Government. We will go armed with the compelling economic argument from the councils as well as the evidence of last winter’s devastating floods.
These are very large sums at a time of severe economic adversity but the arguments are very powerful and all the region’s Members of Parliament, irrespective of party, will be putting them as forcefully as possible.”