David Davis urges those at risk to get tested for diabetes
Rt Hon David Davis has urged people who may be at risk of diabetes to take a blood glucose level test. There are now over 3 million people in the UK with diabetes, more than double the number with the condition in 1996. Diabetes can increase the risk of a person having a stroke, heart failure or even amputation of limbs, all putting an increased pressure on the NHS. By 2035 it is estimated that treating diabetes will cost the health service almost £17 billion a year.
Early detection and treatment of diabetes can have a massive impact on people’s lives which is why the International Diabetes Federation held a screening event for MP’s to raise awareness about the condition. Symptoms which could suggest you have diabetes include feeling very tired, needing to urinate more often, particularly at night, and regularly feeling thirsty. The NHS in England offers a Health Check Programme for people between 40 and 74 to get tested for diabetes, which it is estimated could identify 19,000 more cases a year for early treatment as well as preventing almost 10,000 cases of the condition developing in at-risk patients.
Mr Davis, who recently took the test at an event in Parliament, said: “This test is quick, simple and could save your life. It is estimated that there are more than 800,000 people in the UK who don’t know they have diabetes and the severe complications that can result from the disease make early diagnosis essential.
I would encourage anyone who thinks they could be at risk of diabetes to get in touch with their doctor to get tested.”