David Davis says prisoner voting is “not a matter for our judges, the European Court of Human Rights or EU law”
In response to the news that the Supreme Court has today heard the case of Peter Chester and George McGeoch, both convicted murderers who claim that EU law gives them the right to vote, and to the statement of Attorney-General Dominic Grieve that the Supreme Court could depart from European judgments and “take its own course” on the prisoner voting issue, the Rt Hon David Davis MP has said:
“This case raises hugely important questions about the proper role of Parliament and the courts.
MPs overwhelmingly support the ban on prisoner voting and Chester and McGeoch have already lost their case in two UK courts. The fact that these two murderers are still receiving tens of thousands of pounds in legal aid to claim their “rights” adds insult to injury.
The prisoner voting ban is still being considered by Parliament, and the Supreme Court should not have allowed the two men to appeal whilst this is happening. Any prisoners who claim compensation for not having the vote should have their case thrown out until Parliament has made its final decision.
The Supreme Court should now dismiss Chester and McGeoch’s appeals without delay. Whether prisoners can vote is not a matter for our judges, the European Court of Human Rights or EU law; only Parliament can decide.”