David Davis offers support to stay at home mums


As reported in The Hull Daily Mail;


“Haltemprice and Howden MP David Davis has given his backing to stay-athome mums. He joined other MPs at a parliamentary reception supporting the Mothers At Home Matter group, which is highlighting concerns over the impact of young children being left in large child care groups.


Mr Davis said: “Mums being forced back into work due to stringent tax penalties is not beneficial to society or to the health and happiness of mums and children alike.


“The research that Mothers At Home Matter has produced shows startling figures, which show that separating children from their mothers at an early age and putting them into care while the mother returns to work can have damaging consequences. “I opposed the Government’s changes to child benefit and maintain that this is an area of policy that should be looked at to ensure, as a country, we are doing the best for our children’s futures.””