David Davis MP welcomes news that Hull and East Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust benefitted from £715,900 from the Radiotherapy Innovation Fund


As reported in the Beverley Guardian:

“David Davis MP has today welcomed news that that Hull and East Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust benefitted from £715,900 from the Radiotherapy Innovation Fund to improve radiotherapy Castle Hill Hospital.

The Radiotherapy Innovation Fund aimed to make a stepped change in the delivery of advanced radiotherapy in England. The fund helped centres across the country to meet the national standards for Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy (IMRT). IMRT is an advanced radiotherapy technique which targets the tumour with a more precise dose of radiation, minimising the damage to surrounding healthy tissue.

Of this David Davis MP said:

“This is excellent news for Castle Hill hospital and all local cancer patients. The funding from the Radiotherapy Innovation Fund will make a real difference in the lives of those receiving radiotherapy by being able to offer a more advanced technique.

With the help of this funding Castle Hill has increased the percentage of Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy (IMRT) being delivered to patients from 11.3% in August 2012 to 25.0% in April 2013, therefore now meeting the nationally standard of 24%.

This increase in the capacity for Castle Hill in treating cancer can only be a good thing. Radiotherapy can have a massive impact in curing cancer and reducing the premature mortality of those patients who receive it.”