David Davis MP says the Azelle Rodney inquiry report amongst other events “makes clear the need for a new era in British policing.”
In response to the publication of the Azelle Rodney Inquiry Report Rt Hon David Davis MP said:
The conclusions of the Azelle Rodney Inquiry Report showing that there was “no justification” for the shots which killed Azelle Rodney, raises a number of fundamental policy questions.
In conjunction with other events over recent time it makes clear the need for a new era in British policing. This will call for a major reform of the Police with a clear eye on the ethics of modern policing.
There is also a real question to be raised over why the police sought to have parts of this inquiry held in secret.
It highlights the problem that is extremely difficult to judge whether these claims are to protect real intelligence secrets, or simply to cover up the embarrassment of the organisation concerned, whether a police force or intelligence agency, or indeed a foreign ally.
On this occasion an extremely competent judge saw through the inappropriate demands of the police. Given the genesis of closed material procedures (aka “secret courts”) we have to ensure that proper procedures are in place both to prevent and deter misuse of secrecy in inquest and trials in future.