David Davis Quotes
As David Davis so rightly said, it’d be like putting the foxes in charge of the hen house.
About The Leveson Enquiry, Fraser Nelson, The Spectator
But senior Tory backbencher David Davis insisted Mr Cameron must go further and promise two referendums on Britain’s relationship with Europe, warning the public feel they have been ‘lied to’ by politicians.
Britain’s Relationship with Europe, Tim Shipman, Daily Mail
I for one welcome whole-heartedly the Prime Minister’s caution. It was not a policeman or a regulator or politician who highlighted the phone hacking scandal. It was a member of our free press. David Davis, former Shadow Home Secretary.
Phone Hacking Scandal, Tom Rowley, The Telegraph
The leading Tory eurosceptic MP, David Davis, declared that the British people must be given the chance to vote for a major repatriation of powers from Brussels by early 2014.
Vote on Europe, Tim Ross, The Telegraph
Just a few weeks ago I wrote in the Guardian Northerner about how the Commons vote on the EU budget had exposed David Cameron’s northern rebels, top of the list being David Davis, MP for Haltemprice and Howden and Cameron’s challenger for the leadership of the Conservative Party in 2005.
Commons Vote on EU Budget, Ed Jacobs, The Guardian