David Davis Articles
David writes in the Mail about the need for Britain to stand with the non-Euro states of the EU
In the Daily Mail today, David set out the urgent need for Britain to stand with the other non-Euro member states of the EU, in opposition to the Franco-German axis which threatens to dominate the organisation.
David writes an article for the Mail on Sunday, outlining the case for an EU referendum
David writes in the Mail on Sunday, setting out the manifold flaws of the present European Union, and the case for a fundamental renogotitation of Britain’s relationship with the organisation, followed by a referendum to give the people the ‘final say’.
David Davis MP writing in The Sun on the need to re-set the Brexit negotiations and push for a Canada-style deal
Our Brexit negotiations with the EU have ‘hit a dead end’ so now is the time to be confident, regain control and find solution for all THE Prime Minister was concerned the European Commission President Jean Claude Juncker called her ‘nebulous’. Nebulous or credulous? Either way UK negotiations with the EU are in a sorry […]